Health & Wellness

Coregasms: Another Reason to Hit the Gym

Brooke Archer teaches us just how pleasurable exercise can be, and chats all things coregasms!
by KK
11 Jul 2018

UPDATED: 24 Aug 2022


A month or so ago, I was running on the treadmill, sweating my butt off and listening to Bruno Mars when all of a sudden, I started to feel a build-up of pleasure in the region of my stomach and in between my legs. I know – Weird! I thought nothing of it, and continued my workout. But the feeling didn’t go. It kept coming in waves. It was that feeling you get just before you orgasm – that pulse of pleasure that consumes and lingers in your veins. That pre-orgasmic state your body teases you with…

Pre-Orgasmic State

The sensation didn’t let up until I was settling into the cooldown from my workout. After that, it kind of slipped to the back of my mind, as the moment I finished, I hit the shower and went back to work.

It wasn’t until the next day when I jumped on the treadmill, and it happened again that I thought I better look into it. I wasn’t sure if I was just a horny mess or if something was going on with my body that wasn’t right, even if it did feel good.

When I started my research, my questions were answered instantly. The conclusion was that I’d experience exercise-induced sexual pleasure (EISP). To my amazement, this type of experience wasn’t uncommon. People have reported it a lot, especially cisgender women, and not only EISP but also ‘coregasms’, aka Exercise Induced Orgasms as well.

Did your forehead just crinkle in confusion?

Mine did, too, at the time. Let me explain.

A coregasm is an exercise-induced orgasm (EIO). Scientifically there is no exact explanation for why this happens.

Some theories suggest that physical activity dilates the blood vessels and stimulates brain chemicals such as serotonin and the endorphins associated with arousal, thus resulting in the right body conditions for climax.

Others suggest that because people who do core-focused exercise report coregasms more than people who do other forms of exercise, it must be something to do with the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. But, as I said, no one knows exactly what causes them, and there is still much debate on the subject.

Surveys suggest that core work is more likely to bring about EIO than other forms of physical activity. However, I’m living proof that all of us track girls can achieve them too. Or at least EISP.

Specific workouts

There are workouts specifically tailored to inducing coregasms should you wish to give it a go. Alternatively, if you aren’t that into working out or physically unable to, you could always set the treadmill to a slow pace and slip a whisper-quiet toy down the front of your knickers. Just an idea 😉

To date, I’m yet to achieve The Big ‘O’ but have no fear; I’m running my arse off Monday to Friday! If and when I do get there, you’ll be the first to know. As far as EISP goes, I can tell you from experience, it is very much a real thing, which leads me to believe that so are coregasms.

If that’s not motivation enough to hit the gym other than all those lycra-wearing cuties in their shorts—well, I don’t know what is!

As well as being a sex blogger, Brooke is also an erotic fiction author (under a different pseudonym) to many titles and has a large following and loyal fan base.

When she’s not at her computer, working away on her latest blog post or naughty book, you can find her running around after her young family, reading, or practising that now and then dormant hobby of hers, photography.

A quick follow-up from KK…

Since this post was introduced to our fabulous followers, we’ve received a few interesting questions on the topic, so we thought we’d add a postscript to put your minds at rest!

As it turns out, coregasms aren’t as rare a thing as we thought they might be, and the most popular questions came from Kittens who experienced such exercise-induced coregasms when it wasn’t altogether comfortable to do so.

How to stop coregasms

If you’re working out in a crowded room, surrounded by people you’d rather not know you were pushing a different kind of limit, well, we can understand entirely why you might not want to be experiencing coregasms.

It turns out a coregasm is most likely to happen when you push just that little bit too hard. So, to avoid moaning in pleasure instead of physical exertion, you can try doing more reps at a lesser intensity or scale down the number of reps to curtail that last flush of pushes that can kickstart a climax.

Another way is to find out precisely which exercises bring your coregasms on and work around them. Organise your most orgasmic exercises for when there’s no one around so you can make the very best of your exercise experience!

Are coregasms bad?

Absolutely not!

It turns out around 5% of cis women have experienced a coregasm during a workout, and based on your pelvic floor, they’re not only not bad for you, but they’re usually a sign of a strong pelvic floor, so they can in fact be a good thing—on so many levels!