Spurr is a self-help expert, agony aunt, solutions coach, commentator, writer on sex, relationships and human behaviour, a chartered academic, a research and training psychologist, a podcaster, a wife, a mum, and now, an artist. It makes my LinkedIn profile look boring AF.
You may know her from being on the UK’s first sex-positive show, The Sex Files. It was a show that rocketed her career into writing about sex. Despite this success, Spurr is embarking on a new project and one that we’re incredibly excited about here at Kitten HQ.
While chatting to her about it, Dr Spurr explained how she’s always had art in her life. Whether it was arts and crafts with her children or painting in her spare time, it’s always been important to her. She once had dreams of becoming an artist, but given all the other work she undertook, her art took a bit of a back seat.
The practice of synesthesia
Dr Spurr explains how she sees things in colour. Synesthesia is a perceptual condition where the stimulation of one sense triggers an automatic, involuntary experience in another. Last summer, after a few intense conversations, Spurr realised that this sounded like something she was experiencing.
As a psychologist, Spurr has many people confide in her, covering a vast range of issues. These include body image, breast cancer, and abuse. Spurr’s way to digest and process these areas was to depict these women’s stories how she saw them – using colour.
She uses her colour memory to paint their stories, and you can see from the images below how powerful they are. The four pieces below are titled: Memories of BDSM, EroticDreams, and Breast Cancer Survivor.
After persuasion from friends and family, Spurr produced an exhibition, which, sadly, was brought to a halt due to Covid-19. But hopefully, when lockdown is lifted, the exhibition will resume.
We love the story behind the images and wanted to share them on our blog. There’s something about Dr Spurr, her story, and her paintings – something unique and special. And there’s something so beautiful about seeing these powerful stories and emotions depicted through art.
Memories of BDSM
Erotic Dreams
Breast Cancer Survivor
If you would like to buy an original piece, you can reach out at pamspirart@gmail.com.
A little more about Dr Spurr
As a self-help specialist and chartered psychologist, Spurr has written 15 self-help books, including:
- Sex Academy
- Steamy Sex
- Sex Dreams & Symbols
- How to be a Happy Human
- The Emotional Eater’s Diet
- The Laws of Sisterhood
- The Break-up Survival Kit
- The Dating Survival Guide
TV and media experience
She’s no stranger to radio and TV, previously hosting Saturday night shows on Talk Radio, as well as writing an online column for The Sun newspaper. The column is full of love and sex tips and is regularly updated.
Earlier in her career she presented shows for Heart FM, where she won a Sony Radio Award. After her time at Heart FM, she worked with LBC as well as presenting and guesting on a variety of shows including This Morning, BBC Breakfast, Loose Women, Sky News and as a regular contributor on the Big Brother spin-off shows.
Dr Spurr – the chartered psychologist
As a psychologist with a doctorate earned at a premier London teaching hospital, Dr Spurr worked helping parents whose children suffered emotional or behavioural problems. She holds a BSC Hons in Psychology, an MPhil in Psychology, as well as a selection of specialist qualifications that cover various aspects of counselling, coaching and self-improvement.
Her professional work helping children with emotional and behavioural issues led to her involvement with charities like Kids in the Middle, supporting families going through break-ups, with specialist advice in the care of the children, until sadly, the charity’s funding came to an end.
Owning your own piece of Dr Pam Spurr’s art
If you’d like to see more of Spurr’s work, then head over to her website, where you’ll find more examples of her work.

Written by the Killing Kittens team.